Help us build a state-of-the-art animal welfare facility that has the capacity to reduce pet overpopulation so that being kind to all kind becomes an achievable and sustainable goal on our horizon.
Our current animal shelter facility was built in the 1950s as a local pound. Back then, strays were picked up and held long enough to determine if they would be claimed by an owner. After that, they were euthanized. Thankfully, our collective attitude toward homeless pets has changed, and, as so many of us know, a “rescue” pet is one of the best kind. We try to find good homes for these dogs and cats; some of them go to homes here in Abilene and many get transported to rescue groups around the country to states who don’t have pet overpopulation problems like we do and have loving homes waiting for these dogs and cats.
That said, our facility was never intended to provide good quality care to these animals for any amount of time. Our shelter is very difficult to keep clean (which, as you can imagine, has to happen multiple times per day). Our shelter has no sound abatement, which makes it a very noisy and stressful environment for dogs and humans alike. Our shelter does not have adequate medical accommodations. Our shelter is lacking in laundry and dishwashing facilities. Our shelter does not have enough office space for staff, nor does it have a proper lobby for guests looking to adopt.
The Need
This is the short list. Our current facility is a very difficult place to be — for dogs, cats and humans. Highly adoptable dogs that come into our facility often become less adoptable the longer they stay here due to stress and lack of social interaction. Staff turnover is high, and it is not from lack of caring. For these reasons (and many more), one of our number one priorities is to work with the City of Abilene to build a new animal shelter facility that we can all be proud of.
The Answer
The Pet Adoption and Resource Center, or the PARC, has been thoughtfully designed through extensive research and collaboration with other animal welfare organizations, the architect, and staff at the current shelter. The new state-of-the-art facility will address the existing problems at the current facility while also providing for additional services. We look forward to partnering with you and others to bring this vision to reality.
Staff are currently utilizing a room slightly larger than a closet to attempt to meet medical needs. The new facility will include a full surgical suite with the capacity to spay and neuter every animal in our care.
In the current facility, the lobby is only large enough to accommodate a few people at a time. In the new facility, families will be able to greet their newest member together.
Cramped quarters, close proximity to reactive dogs, and extremely high noise levels cause stress for pets waiting to be adopted. In the new facility, we will have larger kennels with indoor/outdoor access and incorporate sound dampeners, relaxing music, enrichment and play groups to lower stress.
The current shelter was never intended to house animals for more than a few days and is very difficult to keep clean and sterile, increasing the spread of infectious disease to the entire shelter population. The new facility will incorporate track systems for easy cleaning, non-porous materials for sterilization, and elevated food and water bowls to lower contamination.

The Jane and Phil Guitar PARC
All Kind has currently raised over $5.5 million dollars and, thanks to an innovative public-private partnership with the City of Abilene, All Kind broke ground on the PARC on August 15th, 2023.
We are so grateful to the many individuals and organizations who have supported this project and are helping make this vision a reality. It’s not too late to pledge your support to this amazing project and be a part of an Abilene legacy.
Invest in Kindess
Join the movement and become a Leader of the Pack. Your name will be listed on a plaque as a founding member of the PARC, as well as on the items listed below.
Engraved Brick
Individual Dog Kennel
Individual Cat Condo
Indoor/Outdoor Bench
Meet and Greet Yard
There are several naming opportunities at this level. Email Andrea Robison at andrea@allkindabilene.org for more details.